Passion Sunday
April 2 | 8:45 & 11AM
Beginning with palms and hosannas, worship then moves into a contemplation of the what our Lord faces in days ahead. We hold palms high as the choir processes under our branches and then later sing, pray and reflect upon our Lord’s passion.
Good Friday
April 7 | 12PM & 7PM
At noon in the sanctuary we will sing, pray and hear the reading of our Lord’s passion.
In the evening the Solemn Tenebrae helps us to hear the story of our Lord’s movement to the cross. Extinguished candles represent a coming darkness as his companions leave his side. We sing responsively with choir and violin.
Holy Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
April 3-5 | 12PM
At noon, we gather in the chapel for word, prayer, song, and Holy Communion. A quiet, brief time of worship.
The Great Vigil of Easter
April 8 | 7PM
An evening to witness the overall scope of God’s salvation story for us. Processing with candles into a dark sanctuary, we recall the light for all the world. We baptize, listen to God’s written word, and celebrate the first strains of Easter alleluias.
Maundy Thursday
April 6 | 7PM
The Lenten confession culminates with words of absolution. Our Lord feeds his followers with a different meal and a new commandment. We watch as the sanctuary is stripped of all vessels and vestments, reflecting the treatment our Lord receives. Choir and handbells support our song together.
Resurrection of Our Lord
April 9 | 8:45 & 11AM
The “Queen of Feasts” of the Christian Year, the Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Sunday invites us to lift our voices in praise. Come make music with our choirs, brass, strings and bells. Death no longer has power over us. Christ is risen! Tell all the world.
Holy Week 2022
If you would like to get an idea of what worship will be like during Holy Week 2023, check out worship from last year. The general shape and style of each worship service will be similar to what you will find this year when you join us for worship