727-585-9969 news@poplargo.org

Wednesdays Together

Wednesdays Together is a marvelous time of fellowship with opportunities for learning and growth in faith. The night begins with supper, served weekly at 5:15pm. After the meal there are opportunities for all ages to learn and grow in their faith.

5:15pm Dinner – Parish Hall

6-7pm Learning Time
Children’s Choir
High School Bible Study
Adult Learning

7pm Prayer Around the Cross – Sanctuary
Once a month we gather for a quiet time of prayer, song, scripture and candlelight stirs our hearts. We pray for those friends and loved ones whom we know are especially in need right now. We pray for ourselves. We pray for our ministries in our blessed Lord. As we gather around the Cross, we are confident that it is our Lord’s Spirit that binds us. Let’s join together to center our hearts around our loving Lord and his presence with us.

7:30pm Adult Choir – Choir Room