727-585-9969 news@poplargo.org

Year-Round Opportunities to Serve

Ruth’s Promise

Hunger Task Force




Samaritan Care Givers



Prayer Chain

Our prayer teams will pray for your concerns. If you have a prayer concern, please contact our Coordinator of Discipleship and Congregational Care, Kristen Theile, Kristen@poplargo.org

Prayer Card Ministry

On the fourth Friday of each month a group gathers to write cards for those in our community and in their lives who are in need of prayer, please contact our Coordinator of Discipleship and Congregational Care, Kristen Theile, Kristen@poplargo.org for more information.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Love of knitting, crocheting or weaving has been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. The prayer shawl ministry meets the last Wednesday of the month at 3:30 pm in the office complex. For information call Kris Campbell (727-593-3216).

Quilt Tying

Quilters meet on the third Wednesday of each month in the Parish Hall. We share the art of creating quilts and ship boxes full for Lutheran World Relief each year.

Matthew Kits

Matthew Kits provides a bit of grace and relief to people experiencing homelessness in our community. These bags contain hygiene items, socks, a snack, a t-shirt, and a water bottle. We distribute these daily as friends in our neighborhood stop by.

Blood Drive

On a Sunday morning once a quarter, PoP welcomes the OneBlood Bus to our parking lot from 8AM to 1PM. It remains until all donors have the opportunity to give their “gift of life”.