727-585-9969 news@poplargo.org

POP Hurricane Ian Updates


Friends in Christ,

The news outlets are full of stories about the coming storm.  I’m sure you are making preparations in every way that you can.  All activities here at Prince of Peace through Friday are cancelled.

At this point we plan to worship together on Sunday at 8:45 and 11 AM.  There will be no Sunday School.  However, we will not know how we may do so until after the storm passes us.  If we do not have power, we will worship under the Portico much as we did on Wednesdays when the virus was prevalent.

We will email you and message you by other social media, as soon as we are able to assess the conditions of the sanctuary and our community after the storm. 

Your neighborhood or path to the church may be blocked or impeded.  Please use much caution as you move about.

Let us pray.

Gracious, loving God, this day as in every day we are yours.  We praise you for the sweet assurance that we know in the promises of scripture.  In these hours we pray your peace in the midst of fears;  protection from the storm for all our dear ones;  courage to face what lies ahead;  and your presence with us on the way.  Even as we are bound together in your blessed Son, draw us all to one another that we may in these days and in every day love our neighbors with your love that is our all in all.  In the name of Christ Jesus we pray.  AMEN.

 O God our help in ages past

Our hope for years to come

Our shelter from the stormy blast

And our eternal home.

 Pr. Joe

Pr. Adam

Wednesdays Together is a blessed time to gather together for a meal, learning, fellowship, and worship. But when there is potential for danger from a storm that has proven itself destructive and unpredictable, we must be prudent about our care for one another.

We are cancelling Wednesday Together for 9/28. POP Preschool and Ruth’s Promise will be closed for the rest of the week.

When it comes to our ministries later in the week and on Sunday, we plan to continue in our usual pattern unless further cancellations are needed. We will provide further information after the storm blows past us. Please check Facebook and the website for the most up to date information.

Please contact us if you have any needs.  We know that some of you have left town and others are hunkering down for the storm. Remember Largo High School is just one of the many shelters that will be available.
We pray with you for the safety of all who are in the path of the storm.
God’s peace,
Pr. Joe Glymph
Pr. Adam Buff
Gracious Lord Jesus who in the midst of the storm cried out, “Peace, be still!”, we pray for the calming of Hurricane Ian and for the protection of all who are in danger. We pray for those who will place their own lives at risk for the sake of others who are in need. We pray for all in leadership positions in our communities, cities, states and nation that they may demonstrate courage and compassion as they seek to fulfill their responsibilities of providing care for those who seek guidance and relief. And, O Lord, in the midst of our own fears, by your Holy Spirit, grant us the gifts of faith, hope, and love and enfold us in your peace. Amen.