Go and Do Likewise

Celebrating- Go & Do Likewise
On Saturday, March 2, over 80 disciples met to partner and
serve God and our community. Following are some highlights:
+ 90 Attendance bags assembled for Largo Middle School
+ Spring break food bags packed for Pack-a-Sack
+ 13 quilts tied for Lutheran World Relief
+ 6 quilt kits made for Lutheran World Relief
+ Dog and Cat beds for the Pinellas Humane Society
+ Food bags for REZ House – 325 bags of rice and beans!
+ 400 Matthew Kits were made to distribute to people who are unhoused
+ Over 180 Snack bags for seniors living at Lutheran Residences
+ Yard work at two locations
+ Over 300 candy bags put together for people who have had substance use disorders
+ Food sorted at the Shepherd Center Food Bank
+ 200 Emergency food kits put together for Ready for Life
+ A sing-along at Arden Courts brings joy to the residents there.
+ 275 Shower bags for the Shepherd Center for people experiencing homelessness
We are grateful for our PoP congregation, which lives out its core value of service. Service-using our God-given gifts to care for our neighbors both near and far based on 1 Peter 4:10. There are many opportunities to serve year-round at PoP. Some of the ministries you can be involved in are Ruth’s Promise, PoP ToTs, Hunger Task Force, Gardening Angels, Food Delivery to Lutheran Residences, Card Prayer Ministry, and our upcoming VBS. If you are interested in serving, please email Kristen Theile at kristen@poplargo.org.
BE—The One God Has Made You To Be
March 11, 2023
SHEPHERD CENTER sorting and organizing food for people with food insecurities
RESTORE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY- sorting and organizing products
LIGHTHOUSE OF PINELLAS FOR THE BLIND- painting curbs in parking lot
KIMBERLY HOME landscaping
POP BOOK MARKS & CARDS- Making cards for people living at Lutheran Apartments/Residences
POP SHOWER KITS Making shower kits for people experiencing homelessness for the Shepherd Center
POP FOOD BOXES Putting together food bags, Rez House will give to people with food insecurities
POP MATTHEW KITS Making hygiene and food kits for people experiencing homelessness
POP BURP CLOTHS- cutting and pinning fabric and others will sew burp cloths together (no experience required) benefiting Angels Against Abuse and CASA
Go and Do Likewise recap
Prince of Peace members and friends heeded Christ’s call to service to Go & Do Likewise. Through the giving of ourselves to God’s work, we were able to reach God’s people in several ways! We saw God in the spirit of the volunteers and in the faces and hearts of the people we encountered. Take a peek of our video recap, as we reflect on our experience together.